Report Services
Gauge com Reporting Services
Neste artigo, vamos abordar mais conteúdo sobre como utilizar Gauge no Report Services. Gauge tem o objetivo de mostrar indicadores, além de ser muito utilizado em projetos de Business Intelligence (BI).Pra começar, precisamos de uma base de dados para exibir os gauges. Vou utilizar a...
Realizar Deploy de um Report Project em um SSRS ativo
Uma duvida comum das pessoas ao terem o primeiro contato com o Reporting Services (SSRS) é como realizar o deploy de seu projeto no seu SSRS ativo. Seguem alguns step para configuração do deploy e acesso via IE, vale lembrar que neste caso só tera acesso via Intranet, para se publicar na...
Developing Your Own Reports
1. Creating Your First Report First you create a new project, and select Report Project this will create a reporting service project. From here you will find two folders shared data sources, and reports. Shared data sources is one very interesting feature, this is where your data source for your...
SQL Server Reporting Services Basics: Customizing SSRS Reports
The previous article in this series, Building Basic Reports, showed how to use the SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 (SSRS) Report Wizard, and Report Designer, for rapid report prototyping. This article will explore many of the functions and controls we can use every day, as an SSRS developer, to...
Zebra Striping in SQL Reporting Services
This is actually pretty simple and there are a couple of ways to get this done. The easiest method would be to use an expression for the BackgroundColor property for the row.Select the row(s) you wish to apply the zebra striping. In the properties window, select the dropdown next to...