Step 1) Creating a Generic Data Source for Text InfoObject
Right click on the BI Source System -> Customizing Extractors.
In next screen, click on Maintain Generic DataSources.
In next screen,
- Type a Technical name for the Text.
- Click Create Button.
In next screen,
- Enter the Short, Medium and Long Description.
- Enter the View/Table name.
Press the Enter button. The below screen is displayed.
- Go to transaction code RSA1
- Click the OK button.
In next screen,
- Go to the Datasource tab
- Click Find
- Type the datasource technical name.
- Click Search button.
Next, from the datasource ZGR24CC_TEXT, right click Replicate Metadata as shown below. Activate the DataSource.
Step 2) Create transformation between Data Source(Source) and InfoObject Text(Target).
- Go to transaction code RSA1
- Click the OK button.
In next screen, right click on the DataSource -> Create Transformation
In next screen,
- Enter Target Object Type.
- Enter Target Object Name.
- Enter the SubType. Choose Text.
- Click Continue.
The transformation would be created with automatic mapping of the Source fields to the Target fields.
Step 3) Create Infopackage and Schedule Dataload to the DataSource(PSA).
- Go to transaction code RSA1
- Click the OK button.
- Navigate to Modeling tab->DataSources.
- Right click on the DataSource -> Create InfoPackage.
- Enter the InfoPackage Description
- Click Save.
- Click on Schedule tab.
- Click Start button to start the load from the flat file to the Data Source.
Step 4) Create Data Transfer Process.
Right-Click on DTP folder and choose the option "Create Data Transfer Process" from the context menu.
The below shows the DTP created.
Step 5) Load Data to the InfoObject Text.
- Click Execute tab in the DTP.
- Click the Execute Button to start data load from the DataSource(PSA) to the InfoObject Text.